Friday, September 22, 2006


As I watch my burning cigarette show the slow dying of life, as I listen to rainfall tell me about birth and rebirth, as i stare and hear lightning and thunder chase down courage from the skies... i float in my life.
I let the smoke enter my lungs in the stillness of the dark... i let my thoughts soar high as God would let me... I let sobriety tumble down with the ashes and breath the succulent scent that this world offers upon my doormat.
I burn and burn and burn and burn and burn and burn 'til my senses become senseless.
I love my life to the brim but hate every fragment of it. I am filled with emotions now that a single whisper from my mouth can break a person. I am contradiction. I am irony. I am parody. I am the insufferable truth.
I breath the decay of life, i eat the sordid stream of thought. I wake up on the barren lands and sleep on the abyss. I sit beside sanity and walk with God. I run.
Flightless dreams trinkle down on my colorful sight. Mindless and mindful thoughts flow through my disquiant lips like water from a stream. Unending so it seems. Infinite. Yet somehow nearing its end.

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