Saturday, April 18, 2009


Distractions. Everyone needs them. Who the hell wants to be chained in life every second of the day? Distractions. There are thousands out there. Pick your drug. Most my age rely on games to be sane. Basketball, Warcraft, Xbox, Halo, Magic, whatever. Others resort to automobiles, cellphones, clubbing, and all that nonsense. Hell, I don't have to name it all, I just want to point out the most practical (and most destructive in some point) of them all: Work.
Work can get your mind of life like no other game can. Work is binding, is controlling and the more you have, the less time you live. Work is an addiction and is very addictive. The thing about it is it is a need, not just some petty want. It is desire, it is fulfillment. Work is as necessary as food, more sought after than learning (the whole point of education is "to work" anyway), the life support of a family, and the means to get whatever the hell you want (the more you work, the closer you get the things you want right?).
I'm not really complaining about work. Actually I'm just assessing how addicted I am to it (when I have it, of course). Its like getting drunk for me, I'm so pre-occupied that I forget the problems around me, i stop thinking of the past and the future, and just be completely immersed with what I have to do at that moment. Like a stone.
Sobriety is a killer to an empty person. Fill it up with another and you get a totally new being. With alcohol, you fill that person up just for the night, fill a person with work and s/he's gonna live it as his/her life. Then what will that person be? A meaningless machine that needs work so as to have justification of a non-significant life. So that one can say one's life has a purpose, a direction and a goal. Should work be our goal and ambitions? Is acquiring the meaning of life?

We work to live, but we should not live to work.

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