Wednesday, April 01, 2009

let it fall

Sometimes I grab life with both hands, squeeze it tight, and when no one is looking, drop it from a twenty-three story building just to see it splat on the pavement...

its not destruction that drives me, but the notion of seeing every aspect of life. different perspectives give different results, and as a thinking, feeling human, i explore all ends. everything this life has to offer, all the blessed good to the down-trodden shit. what's the point in living in a gilded cage? what's the point in watching life in the sidelines? what's the point of being afraid of getting hurt, shot and battered? life gives me an opportunity to find myself, and i'm making use of every second of it. now i got my motivation to seize life by the balls. to tread the world and see how far i can go this time without anyone's inspiration and direction. no more father-figures, dream woman, god-searching and out-of-this-world-ambitions. none of that "what will i do now?" or "what'll happen if...?" no pretense. no distractions. i'll have none of it.

simple breathing will be my motor. and the notion that I'll meet God one of these days.

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