Monday, January 22, 2007

fun facts for fortitude

Things in my head that i actually want to remember now:
1. i'm testing out this blog... its actually fun to edit... mine's get yours!
2. i'm actually addicted to movie trailers... i realized i prefer vcd movies because they have more trailers. it relaxes me. haha...
3. i still want to keep my old battered-up phone. i was checking out other phones in the mall, nothing interested me enough to actually save up for one.
4. i'm actually tired and sick and bored with drinking. i feel restless all the time and i suddenly have this urge to just do something active. weird...
5. eyes fixed on the new business venture.
6. i miss old friends.
7. i miss writing. never have the chance to sit down and write.
8. i play the guitar too much.
9. i play the guitar less than what i should.
10. pray more, laugh less.
11. to actually finish things... honestly, i hate finishing things because i never did like endings. you know i feel sad every time i finish a book?
12. buying collectibles... comics, toys, cards... its like a treasure hunt. to buy something valuable yet cheap. one of these days...
13. i need to do other things now... next time...


... said...

life finally kickin in??

... it's like having to wake up when alarm sets off ...

no snoozing--NOT!

... said...

oh that was me. is me. its me!! -ruthie